Amb3E was granted with the Packaging Licence in Portugal!


Amb3E has been granted with the packaging licence in Portugal.



Amb3E is now a full waste management compliance hub to offer WEEE, batteries and packaging compliance to producers!


Extended Producer Responsibility principles in Portugal.

In Portugal, three directives have been implemented: the packaging directive, the battery directive and the WEEE directive.

The directives have led to the setup of compliance schemes for these specific waste streams.

Amb3E is now one of the leaders of Portuguese compliance schemes, constantly improving its services and innovating to manage new challenges and satisfy its members and clients.

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The Portuguese compliance hub offers a unique one stop shop!


What is Amb3E’s compliance hub?

In Portugal, Amb3E is the compliance partner of WEEElogic.

Amb3E was founded in 2006 and is now serving more than 1,500 companies and businesses. The company holds a WEEE and batteries license and has just recently been awarded with the packaging and waste packaging license in Portugal.

As a compliance and take back scheme, our partner proposes administrative compliance and operations management to take back and recycle WEEE, batteries and from January 2018 packaging.

Therefore, Amb3E can manage the entire end of life compliance when talking about electrical and electronics devices placed on the market by businesses in Portugal.

Instead of contracting with several different compliance schemes per waste stream, Portuguese obligated companies can now benefit from the one stop shop solution offered by Amb3E: it simplifies their proceedings and rightsizes their efforts to compliance and environmental benefits.

In Portugal, like in many EU and EFTA countries businesses who place devices on the markets have to comply with the local requirements, arising from the directives transpositions (WEEE directive, battery directive and packaging directive). Obligated businesses have to manage producers' obligations locally.


When does the packaging and waste packaging license take effect?

The license takes effect August 10th in Portugal.


For more information, you can access the Press Release of Amb3E.

More information about Amb3E:

Romain Letenneur




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