2016 WEEE annual report of Ecologic: 162 000 tonnes collected in France!

annual report ecologic 2016

WEEElogic's French partner Ecologic publishes its 2016 annual report.

ecologic logo

Ecologic, the french compliance and take back scheme publishes its 2016 annual report. Every year, according to the legal requirements and to its governmental approvals, Ecologic shall publish reports in order to present its yearly collection and recycling performance

It is in line with the ADEME (French Environmental Agency) reports that gathers the French WEEE take back and recycling performance.


The report presents its French Waste of Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE) compliance operations performance.


fridge coffee machine




In 2016, Ecologic has collected and treated more than 145 000 tonnes of WEEE arising from French consumers  : consumer electronics, consumer goods, toys, tools, cooling and freezing appliances, air conditionning, ventilation systems, TV's and Hifi, IT, printers... and all electrical and electronics equipment being collected in France and recycled in 2016 for the purpose of the circular economy

Thanks to its professional licence, Ecologic also collected more than 20 195 tonnes of professional WEEE coming from professional users: IT, copying equipment printers, telecommunication equipment, professional catering, kitchen, air conditioning,.. 


You can download the report here: 



This collection performance represents an increase of 30% and is mainly due to the decline of materials prices, therefore many tonnes have been redirected to local authorities collection points such as municipalities, etc. 


material recycling conveyor belt material storage WEEE recovery electronic material storage


The decrease of materials prices on the markets led to modify the structure of prices for producers since operations shall continue no matter materials prices decline and minimum collection targets. 

All in all, 2016 has been a very challenging year for Ecologic, considering B2C & B2B WEEE collection perfomance, B2B renewals governmental approvals and professionnal kitchen waste furniture governmental approval. 

Ecologic, dedicated to WEEE in France is approved to manage professional kitchen furniture equipment. It has been developped for the purpose of its clients represented by the SYNEG (professional organisation that brings together and represents French manufacturers and the French subsidiaries of worldwide manufacturers working in all the areas of professional catering). 


Copper fractions unpure Non Ferrous metals unpure Deviator from Cathod Ray Tubes TV's Cables sorting


Ecologic manages B2B WEEE obligations on behalf of professional producers (manufacturers, importers, distributors, distant sellers). The team of Ecologic has developped strong partnerships notably with French Key Accounts. 

In 2016, Ecologic has reinforced its quality and environmental quality management and control in order to further maintain the level of quality of its operations, audits and services. 

Ecologic also considers its involvment within WEEElogic as a levy for better and future daily management, efficiency and quality control. 

Based on such evolutions, Ecologic expects to continuously improve its performances in the coming years! 

If you need more information in French about compliance solutions in Europe, please visit this page: Information about WEEE compliance in Europe (Fr)


We wish them all the best! 

Romain Letenneur

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